Friday, July 17, 2009

Last Chance

I have this friend, we'll call her "Tiffany". She has a friend, who we'll call "Tony". Tiffany and Tony have known each other for years. They are quite possibly the type of best friends that any guy and girl can be. Kind of like Will and Grace, but Tiffany isn't an interior designer. Tony is, but he's not gay.

They are extremely close and have traveled together several times, even sharing rooms but nothing has happened because they are such good friends. There has never been any reference to dating between the two......until recently. For some reason, Tony keeps making comments to Tiffany about making out and asking questions like "when was the last time you kissed somebody?" You don't say that unless it's to the person you want to kiss, like on a date.

Well I was talking to Tiffany the other day and told her that she should just go in for it. The best way to see if he's serious. If he pulls away, you'll know he was joking and you can play it off as a joke. If he stands there and let's it happen, then you know it's an actual thought on his mind. Plus, you can just get it over with and move past the talk.

Well, it just so happens that Tiffany was in the city, where he lives, for work and they were going to hang out that night. I wasn't quite sure how the night was going to go but I'm pretty sure Tiffany didn't have any intentions on trying.

"Maybe he would instead?" she thought as Tony began wrestling with her. Rolling around, laughing and then being trapped by his huge arms, she found herself pinned with no way to escape. Was it going to happen? Was this to be THE moment they had talked about. For sure, it was going to happen, until.......................... Tiffany tooted.
"It just came out, there was no force or push.
I wasn't even holding anything in.

Really!?, really. I mean talk about bad timing. You can't even recover from something like that. You can't even try to blame it on something like a "barking spider" or the ducks outside of the 16th floor hotel room or even the TV that wasn't on. It was apparent what had happened and he was well aware of it.
Tony just sat there with this look on his face as if to say "Did that really just happen?" before quickly moving. By this time, Tiffany didn't even have time to be embarrassed because she was laughing too hard which made him laugh even harder.

Talk about good friends! If you are that comfortable around someone, you're pretty much married. They're just one kiss away from marriage but I don't think that will be happening.



Watsonville said...

So you never got the kiss? Keep trying. If it's meant to be it will just happen a good toot!

jayna said...

oh wow. i thought stuff like that only happened to me... ok, so that hasn't happened to me before, but i can totally imagine!! great story!

heidikins said...

Haha! love it!
