Friday, April 8, 2011


Holy crap has it really been that long since i've last posted?  So sorry to disappoint.....but are any of you REALLY that disappointed? I mean, I guess this is pretty typical of my posting routine but I should at least give you SOME expectations right?

Well I do have reasons for me not posting. I've been really busy.....with....... hold on, let me think.......ooh I got it.  I think this may deserve bullet points with pictures - YAY PICTURES

  • I've kept you updated with Buck and TMB.  He is doing well, found his girl and all is well in Zion....or CA.  He sent me an email saying.."Uzi, thanks for coming out. If I haven't told you yet, my favorite date of all time is still Flying Trapeze.  I had so much fun with you and just want to thank you for coming out."  that email was followed by "the first email was too serious so I just want to add that you smell"
    What did I respond with?  "BUCK!  That weekend was PERFECT getting to spend time with you and Dan, like the good 'ol days.  I'm glad I got to blow your mind and show you a whole new world in the art of living it up!  Congratulations and I hope things are going well with you and that hottie tottie, I picked her from day one. If not, I knew she was a whore!"
  • A good friend of mine asked if I would share my cancer story and experience with the Huntsman Cancer Institute and Miche Bag. Proceeds of their HOPE bags will go to cancer research and they wanted survivors and a saying to go on tags that will hang from the bags.

    So I went in for a photo shoot, and did a video on what it means to THRIVE. For me it's music, my guitar, singing, performing, anything that helps me express emotion and bring it out in others.
    I was trying to come up with some sayings for my tag, which would you pick?
    • And this whole time I just thought I needed a suppository.
    • Cancer?  I'd much rather it be gonorrhea!
    • Cancer Sucks!
          Instead, this is what I ended up using. Seems more fitting for the cause.

  • Did some CAD work for a friend needing some drawings to send to a manufacturer for a product they are going to start making.  I can't say what it is, but it will changes girls lives who flat iron their hair, and their fingers!
  • I've been performing a lot between Acoustic Night, Solo's, recording with Young Sim (and music videos) and have been asked to be a member of the Feel Good Music Coalition. I Apologize will be ready to access on iTunes in the next day or so and hopefully we can call it a wrap on the video.
    Here was the conversation during this picture:
    Camera Man: K, look Gangsta
    Sim: Um, I'm wearing a cardigan?
  • Buried Life:  I've added to my List of Things to Do Before I Die- That will be another post.
  • I got into an accident and the first thing I yelled was "SAVE THE DONUTS!"  My door wouldn't open so I had to crawl out the passenger side every time I went somewhere. I would have Dukes of Hazards it but it was cold and snowing.  Later that day I was filmed for a documentary.  I had plenty stories to share about myself, but they really should have gotten a sweet shot of me trying to get in and out of my car.  It would have looked as awesome as that really awkward time I tried doing the Carmen Electra Workout (you know the one) and couldn't lift my leg over the back of the chair.  If only it was a little more like this.....what a feeling!

  • My sister and I have become the wedding planners for a bride.  We have been extremely busy doing all the planning and design work for it.  Tomorrow is the big reveal and I can't WAIT to put it all together.  Stay tuned!
Until then, life has been AMAZING! 
Especially now that my coworker has screenshot part of my Journey video and 
posted it to our companies intranet on our HR page.  

As if this didn't say "DON'T MESS" I don't know what will.

Good thing he didn't get a front shot because that could be sexual harassment!

Have a GREAT weekend and go do something I would do!

1 comment:

jayna said...

love love love this post. love your cancer quote, love the crazy last picture of you, love it.

let's hang soon!!