Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tweet Tweet

There's a reason I don't tweet......aka Twitter
There's a reason I don't lay in the grass under large oak trees
There's a number of reasons why I love the images/design but not the real things.

I don't really "hate" but I could care less about birds, the real things.  To me they are flying rats (pigeons mainly but the others are related somewhere down the line)

When I was 5 our family was going down to Lake Powell for the weekend. It was my job, before getting in the car, to feed and water Sunny (yellow bird) and Brownie (brown bird). Yea, we were REAL creative as kids.

Well, the independent, strong willed, little rat like, Ramona Quimby of a child that I was didn't want to.  Instead of saying "no", I just walked inside the house, while the rest of the family sat in the wagon, and pretended like I was doing what I was asked.

Gig was up when we returned home after the long weekend in the middle of summer and both birds were dead in the kitchen sink.  I wasn't concerned that they were lying in their new resting place after searching for water, I was baffled how they got out of the cage.  (again, I was 5, and even today, I'm still baffled)

I did however decide to be sweet and find some jewelry boxes and have a proper burial service for them in the back yard.
Only to be outdone by my inquisitive nature to try to find them and dig them up less than 2 weeks later.

Sorry birds for not feeding you resulting in your death
Sorry family if I never told you and this is the first time you are hearing of this news
Sorry to myself for the beginnings of bad bird karma. (I constantly get pooped on)


Watsonville said...

Post is great. Pictures is perfect. Thanks for killing my birds!

Jam said...

ummm just curious: did you also dig up our dog Spot?

jayna said...

wow. brings a whole new perspective on our greek pigeon experience... and remember? a bird pooped on your shoe. ha ha ha.

Tristan de Chalain said...

Stumbled on this but loved the post, and the picture is perfect.Funny how events in our early lives keep on reverberating down the years, isn't it?
Tristan de Chalain
Author "Wolf's paw"

Unknown said...

Too funny!