Sunday, May 25, 2008

Huh, who knew?

Today was Lily's 1st birthday. Now usually I'm all about giving gifts.....that make a statement.......when it comes to birthdays but when it comes to the 1st birthday I have a hard time wanting to get them anything at all because it usually ends up in some giant toy box only to get used maybe 2 or 3 times and the parents don't even remember who or when their child got the gift.

So instead I opt to give the first gift on their second birthday. Now I don't get them toys or clothes because it tends to become the same situation stated above, so for the past 3 nieces and nephews I have done something different, something of a tradition. I will paint or draw a picture of them for their room. So really it's a present for the parents, as it should be!

Here is a pointilism piece I did for my nephew from this picture:

A fabulous friend and I were at the fabric store a few months ago and I saw this material that I just died over. It reminded me so much of my niece that I had to get it. So right there in the isle I envisioned and designed a little outfit just for her. I knew exactly what I was going to make and just needed to find a pattern to help me through.

Now I just have to remind you all that I DON'T SEW. I guess the same could be said for "I DON'T DRAW". So ok, I take that back. What I mean to say is that I don't know how to sew using a pattern. Everything I have made has been my own creation and experimentation. I know what I want it to look like and I figure it out in my head how I need to do it to obtain that look. For example, I made a really cute apron for my niece who loved to vacuum out of a pillowcase that I cut up. It was darling! (look out project runway!)

Anyway, back to my story. So I found these materials to make the little dress and thought "why don't you do two dresses in one? Make the dress reversible with coordinating bloomers", and that I did. So here she is, the CUTEST dress (s) ever!

Everyone at the birthday party just raved over it and couldn't believe I made it. (yea I was impressed with myself as well). I even have requests from a mom to make one for her little girl.

So now it's time to head to the store to pair up and coordinate some more material for dresses and sell them for an outrageous price like all the other boutique stores.

The funny thing was as everyone was opening the presents, I'm standing there with the Godmother who is telling me all about "THE MOST ADORABLE DRESS" she got for Lily.

I couldn't very well shut down her excitement of a store bought dress by saying "oh cute, I gave her a dress as well but I made mine with coordinating bloomers to match" so I just stood there with a smile on my face encouraging the excitement in her gift..............little did she now that mine was going to be a hit! But I will say, you get the title of Godmother while I am just another Aunt!


David said...

That drawing is AMAZING! We're now taking applications for godmother...:) The dress is cute, too. Who knew you could do so much?! Thanks for being sympathetic towards my sister...she's a sensitive soul. :)

Laurel said...

Seriously, it was just so sweet the way everyone tried to make a bigger deal of your homemade brilliance. it was very sweet.

Way to one-up me.

Watsonville said...

Your talent never ends! Can you be my dress supplier for my business? I'll make the coordinating bows to match the dresses and sell there here. It turned out adorable and you should be proud!!

Anonymous said...

Why are you so good at stuff? Jerk. Oh, jerk was already used... umm, lame.
You're neat.

Erica said...

holy smokes! that dress is super cute! good work lady! and're a star!