Sunday, May 4, 2008

And you are................?

What do you do when you get a random text from someone you don't know? You probably say, "sorry you must have the wrong number"
What do you do when you get a random picture text from someone you don't know? The options are limitless. Unfortunately I was so tired when this actually happened I didn't resort to hyper-out-of-control Uzi and turned into "you're retarded" Uzi.

Here's the AWESOME picture text I got:

And here is the text conversation that followed:

U: Yea, ok,.........?
?: Ok be rude. Isn't this Michelle
U: Nope. Good thing you weren't naked!
?: Lol I guess that's good.. Ha ha, who is this?
?: ha I guess I send my mom pictures
U: Oedipus complex?
?: Hmm yeah u lost me there bud
U: Greek story where Oedipus is in love with his mom. Stop texting strange girls and open a book.
?: I have u in here as Michelle but ok be a jerk..
U: What Michelle do you know with a San Francisco number?
?: Michelle O. What, San Francisco? Lol ok I live in Utah
U: Haa haa. Yea I'm very familiar with Utah. Well enough to know your area code is a Utah one outside of Salt Lake. Maybe you should check "Michelle's" area code one more time.

Hey buddy, I know you felt really cool last night (in front of all your buddies) at Port-o-Call when you finally got up the courage to talk to that really hot chick across the bar, offer to buy her a drink where she gladly accepted (only because to her it's free alcohol) and engage in great conversation (because she was hoping you would buy one for her friend too) . Then as she is about to leave (because you are actually really boring and not even all the alcohol in the bar could make you anymore enjoyable) you quickly ask for her number and as casually as she accepts your drink she gives you her "number" but you were so mesmerized by her......eyes that you were fooled into programing the fake name and number every girl gives when she really doesn't want to see you again. And yes, her name really isn't Michelle. If girls were as honest as you thought, I wouldn't have to give out the name Jenny with my number being 867-5309. (and yes they actually fall for it)

So the next time you are going to send a picture to a girl you just met at a bar the night before, maybe you should smile. The actual owner of given number might mistake you for a stalker or some kind of perv.



Anonymous said...




Glady said...


"Stop texting strange girls and open a book."

OMG. i love you.

Anonymous said...

Weird. The exact same thing happened to me. - Brooke

Anonymous said...

Weird. The exact same thing happened to me. - Brooke

Laurel said...

funny. I got a random text but never a picture. I carried on quite the conversation with the guy who wanted to enjoy the sunset with me...I let it go on a few times before finally saying "who is this?"
This post is a classic.

Watsonville said...

What.....and you let him go?

Anonymous said...

I like how he totally side stepped the whole Oedipus complex story. The thought of actually opening a book instead of hearing about it on the latest MTV reality dating show gave him severe anxiety. bud. lol. rofl. brb. hfh. idk.

Good times.