Tuesday, October 27, 2009


So one of the reasons, well actually 3 of the reasons, why I was so stressed last week was the planning and executing of parties. One Friday night, one Saturday, and one Monday.

Somewhere in there I may or may not have blacked out.(mainly saturday morning when I was running to make a touch down in flag football and actually got TACKLED. According to a team mate who saw the whole thing go down, along with the girls shoulder ready to stop me, she full on squared up to me and was ready to take me out. Don't worry though, as a good friend and team mate does, she totally yelled at the girl as she was on the ground in pain because I apparently kneed her in the crotch. Well serves her right since I was was the one lying on the ground with a head concussion)

So to not bore you all with reading, here are the photo's of the events, which some commentary of course!


I was asked to play at a party that was KILLER! Such a good turn out and an amazing party-thanks Brandon and Nate!.......and all that came to support! :)

Brandon and Nate.....HILARIOUS!

Pre performance Doing my thing

Brooke joining me for a song - Seriously B, we're doing it again!

My fam there to support! love you guys!

Here's a little video for your viewing pleasure for those of you not able to attend.


My cousin just adopted a 4 year old boy and so instead of throwing a baby shower, we threw a little Disney Party. Instead of gifts, we were all going to help send them to Disneyland.
We went all out and dressed like Disney characters, Mickey caramel apples, autograph books, etc. It was a hit!

The ward activity that I was in charge of. Halloween Dance Party-Celebrity Style.

Awesome set up, awesome turn out, and awesome costumes!

Slash and Beyonce Billy the Kid and Pancho Villa

Ugly Betty The Osbournes Paris Hilton (had too)

I even got freaked out by the SAW doll. Eeeeek!

Ahh, now I can breathe and tie up loose ends before I am off for 2 weeks in Greece! Can it be tomorrow? Wait no, I take that back, I'm not nearly ready for it to be tomorrow just yet!



GladysJem said...

hello rockstar.
just want you to know that the song you performed is my favorite from the Uzi Unplugged CD you made me. I miss you.
please sing me to sleep, and let me take the photos for your future album.
love you.

Watsonville said...

I wish I could have been there for all the events. Well...except for the crazy guy on the bike! Glad everything turned out for you and it all looks amazing. Love and miss you! Oh, still waiting for my cd!

jayna said...

k. that song rocks. you rock. sad to have missed the premier performance of the year. how 'bout you bring your guitar to greece. hey, i thought it was a good idea.


Brooke said...

You're neat. Thanks for allowing me and my mullet to share a song with you. Wish I could have been at both the costume and Disney parties! We'll have to have our own next week...