Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm Supposed to be Meditating

So last week in my efforts to stay on my training schedule, I went to the gym, as usual, and ran a few miles. As I was running I noticed this guy on one of the bikes.

I couldn't help but laugh. I wasn't laughing at him per se, it was more of a relieved laugh that there really are cool and interesting people in SL let alone my gym that don't fall prey to the muscle tee's and protein shakes.
I felt like I was back in SF for a brief minute and it made me smile.
I wasn't ready to head for home and I needed a good stretch so I decided to go to the yoga class. I'm starting to relax and really harness my chi until I look over and guess who is in the class doing the Poorna Salabhasana followed by the Dhanurasana Pose.
I completely lost it. I had to go into the Rajakapotasana just to hide my laughter! Haa ha haaa

I better focus next time so I can be the chosen student to be part of the Crucifixion Pose.

1 comment:

Justin said...

what the ...... Yoga Christ