Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Waddly -Atcha

So Monday I went to the gym to do some Hard Core Abs and Body Pump. It is now Wednesday and I CAN'T WALK! Just imagine in your mind one of the following:
1. I have the biggest wedgie EVER
2. I am 9 months pregnant and waddle everywhere
3. I have two, count them 2 prosthetic legs.

I went to get lunch today and it started out with me waddling down the stairs. The less I bend my knees the better it feels. I get to my car and practically have to recline myself into the seat bracing myself on the door and steering wheel. Then once I arrive, I have to get out of the car which requires just as much work getting in. I start walking to the door and realize I am taking my sweet A time. I'm worse than my grandpa! Going up the (4) steps was no good so I opted for the mile long Handi-ramp when I left.
I haven't even left my chair to pee ALL DAY because I know how much the squat is going to hurt plus if I give in and actually sit down, i'll have to roll myself back and forth until I get enough momentum to stand without actually putting forth any effort or strain.

And that's just the bottom half. Don't get me started on how bad my arms hurt and that I almost got stuck getting into my hooded sweatshirt today.

So if you see me anytime soon and you notice an uncomfortable waddle, either push me over so I can rest or give me a walker.

Friday, February 20, 2009

My First Vacation

So I just bought my plane ticket to SF to see Leslie and the Ly's.

I've seen her before and she's hilarious. I'M SO EXCITED!

I'm more excited to see this new band that will be opening for Leslie- STEREO TOTAL

Here's a little sample of one of their songs/video. ENJOY!

Not to be forgotten about my excitement to have Zundelac back together. You may or may not catch us at The Mint doing this.........

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Monday

I just love this clip. If this were actually reality, it would make going to work that much more enjoyable giving you something to look forward to at the end of the day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm Supposed to be Meditating

So last week in my efforts to stay on my training schedule, I went to the gym, as usual, and ran a few miles. As I was running I noticed this guy on one of the bikes.

I couldn't help but laugh. I wasn't laughing at him per se, it was more of a relieved laugh that there really are cool and interesting people in SL let alone my gym that don't fall prey to the muscle tee's and protein shakes.
I felt like I was back in SF for a brief minute and it made me smile.
I wasn't ready to head for home and I needed a good stretch so I decided to go to the yoga class. I'm starting to relax and really harness my chi until I look over and guess who is in the class doing the Poorna Salabhasana followed by the Dhanurasana Pose.
I completely lost it. I had to go into the Rajakapotasana just to hide my laughter! Haa ha haaa

I better focus next time so I can be the chosen student to be part of the Crucifixion Pose.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The inner cook that sometimes comes out has been wanting to make some cookies for Valentines. Not just any cookies, cookies that my sister had made almost 20 years ago. I didn't have a recipe but I was determined to make these cookies. Why was I still thinking about these cookies? Because they are SO good!

They are made from a box of Devil's Food Cake and instead of telling you how I made them or a step by step, here are pictures! They ARE worth a thousand words!

Just had to throw that last one in there! :)

I've decided I'm going to make a cook book. A picture cook book so not only does it sound good, but looks good as well! Plus, this will give me something to blog about, so stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Run Away Truck

This morning I stopped by Harmon's to grab some fresh fruit for breakfast. I get out to my car and as I'm about to pull forward out of the parking spot, this giant truck next to me begins to slowly move forward. I think to my self "sure go ahead", and then "wait, there isn't anyone in that truck!"
I look ahead and see that there is a really nice car in front of us and the truck is heading straight for it. So what did I do? I hurry and drove off so I wouldn't have to sit around and be the witness.


Instead, I popped my brake, jumped out of the car, and tried the passenger door. Luckily it wasn't locked. I jumped in and flew over to the driver side to kick down the emergency brake.

Phew! I did leave a little note in the truck.

Yea me! :)