Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This week sucks, today sucks, the past hour has sucked and every thing around me sucks.


I'm crabby, I'm moody, I'm angry, I'm sad, I'm tired, I'm fed up, I'm pathetic and I'm an emotional mess.

and on top of it all, for some reason I miss you.
I know I shouldn't......but I do.

If you should find me with my head shaved and bandages around my wrists, just tell me that i'm fine, we're all fine and that everything is gonna be alright.

On a lighter note, the week's almost over and it can only get better from here :)


Glady said...

Just like your song says..."it's going to be alright"

I love you UZI. I hope I made you feel a little better tonight.

Laurel said...

You are going to be MORE than alright.

Erica said...

lady...i'm so sorry you've having a rough day. get some sleep and enjoy the new day!

Anonymous said...

It sucks to feel that way. I hope by the time I've written this you're feeling better. If I could, I'd give you a bear hug!

And if you need a laugh, picture this: me at about the age of 12 with thick fat glasses, braces, and my chicken legs! I recently came across a picture of me...probably my first day of 7th or 8th grade...with WHITE shorts. It's a hideous picture. It's a wonder I survived my pre-teen years!

Watsonville said...

So why haven't you called me? Love you!