Saturday, July 21, 2007


So I am here in Salt Lake Shitty , oh I mean City, and have been for almost a week. My initial plans were to have some job interviews set up with my Uncle and his son who "know some people". Let me go back a few years to a time where he was wanted by the FBI. Neh, that's a whole other post.
Anyway, my dad said he would get everything arranged. Kind of like the time he said he would get me a hotel room in Amsterdam so I would have a place to sleep during my layover. Well, let's just say, the airport and I spent some quality time together and I got to know those seats pretty intimately from the hours of 1 am to about 10 am.

ANYWAY, the point of this all is to say what a Half Asser my dad and his brother are.

I come from a long line of Half Assers..... you've probably heard pioneer stories about the covered wagons that broke down half way through the trek because "someone" thought it was a good idea to take short cuts in the manufacturing of these wagons. Not to save time, but physical exertion....Half Asser.

We always new my dad was one when he would just place a band aid on the forehead of his oldest daughters cracked open head rather than drive her to the hospital to get stitches. We even lived across the street from our church and the school because he didn't want to have to load all 5 kids into the car and drive us there.

So my sisters and I have been painstakingly trying to do all we could to break the cycle or at least remove ourselves from the Half Assers Club. At various times in our lives we have each held a position of authority in the club, my oldest sister fluctuating from Vice President to Secretary for the past 34 years. However, her husband brought up a rather poignant and eye opening observation:

"You guys keep saying you're Half Assers, but all you really are, are a bunch of posers!
It's your dad who is the real deal. He's a total Half Asser."

You know something, he's right. So would that really make him a Full Ass? Us kids kind of Half Assers? And would that mean that my sisters new baby would be a Quarter Half Asser or just a poser like the rest of us?

So with that, may I introduce to you
Lillian Grace "Quarter Ass Poser" Hall.

1 comment:

Erica said...

welcome little one! you have a lot of role models to look up to!