Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

Remember that one time we were all thankful to NOT be dating this guy
Or the time your mind was blown with this amazing awesomeness!

This year i'm going to be a little selfish.  Share with you a little of me, the things that make me happy, make me smile and the things I LOVE.

Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
First Third kisses 
(1st kisses are too awkward and 2nd kisses you're still figuring it out. 
But the third kiss? Now THERE's a kiss!)
Making new friends and spending time with the old ones.
Singing in the bathroom
Hot chocolate
Carameled Apples
Holding hands with someone you care about
Watching a sunset
Sleeping in
Taking long, hot showers
Knowing that somebody misses you
Playing in the rain
Accomplishing a new project
Bike rides.......long bike rides!
Sleeping in my bed after I've been away
Getting mail
Listening to my favorite songs on repeat
Taking pictures
Arriving just as the plane is boarding
People who just get me.

And to all of you that I hold near and dear to me.....................................................

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