Thursday, September 17, 2009

Flyin' High

Many of you have requested this for some time now and so here it is. And for those of you who don't know what the H I'm talking about, let me explain......

When I was younger, if I got mad I used to pack my bag and run away. I called it "kid-a-napping myself." I would usually circle the block a few times (because I wasn't allowed to cross the street) and then get tired so I'd go home.

During one of those times, I thought how much better it would be if I could just run away with the circus. This thought stayed with me for some years and when I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life I immediately went back to being 5 thinking it would be so awesome to just up and join the circus...or be a hobo. I even wanted to dress like one and jump a train to see where it would take me but then my better judgment got the best of me. Or the fact that my siblings and I were living Box Cart Children growing up. Plus I can't live off items that will only fit in a bandanna tied to a stick and I don't like sardines.

Fast forward to 2005. I'm living in San Francisco and my roommate and I find out that there is an actual college for carnies...... San Francisco School of the Circus Arts.

Well we signed up! FLYING TRAPEZE here we come! And Mister Catcher at the other end with your shirt off and your glistening muscles calling to me to fly on over so you can catch me and hold on tight...................HERE I AM!


Now for your viewing pleasure!


Laurel said...

could you BE any cooler??

Kristen said...

Sorry, I didn't hear anything past "glistening muscles."

Melinda said...

Seriously, what can't you do? No really, I want a list.

jayna said...

um. i love it!! wish they had that school here!

Jennie La said...

Can you get any cooler? I think not. LOVE IT!:)