Wednesday, March 26, 2008

lol. Literally, L O L !

Hey everybody, just checking in this week. Not much to report. Nothing funny has really happened........oh wait.............except these texts between me and my bro-in-law.

H: I'm in a meeting
U: Sure you are. I'll be over tonight
H: thanks
U: But what's this about tools?
H: Just a reference to bring what you need to measure
U: Oh, your basement. I couldn't understand your message. I thought you said "can you help punch someone in the face who I think is a tool?"
H: I said grab a guy named Fred by the tool
U: not get naked and meet me by the pool?
H: As long as his name is Fred and he is cool

Haa haa haa! Gotta love the fam!


Erica said...

ha! lol. so, some of the keys on my phone don't work well (probably b/c my phone is ghetto and i'm sure they stopped even producing them) and all too often i have moments where i realized what i'm writing makes no sense or could be terribly embarrassing!

John Quintana said...

YOu have bizarre text conversations :|

Jam said...

The entire message makes perfect sense to me.