Monday, January 25, 2010

What happens in Vegas.......

.....goes straight onto my blog!

Not much can be said for the weekend of Tom Jones and Las Vegas that shouldn't be experienced for yourself.  But let me be was amazing!

Who do you go see Tom Jones with? 
A group of fun gals

Along with my sister, where apparently we don't like our chins

 or our foreheads

And what do you take with you to a Tom Jones concert?
The biggest pair of skivies panties chonies underoos you can imagine.

And what do you do with said 'roos?  You dance with them and catch the attention of not only the bass player, but guitar player and piano player, resulting in them laughing histerically several times. And then you dance to the front of the stage, call the bass player over and delicately place them on the neck of the bass for not only him but the entire crowd to laugh and cheer wildly. And that's only a fraction of the hilarity that we entertained everyone with.
Like Tom Jones,  they loved us as much as we love him!

for more photos, click here

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Was it all a dream? It was too much fun!!