Monday, May 4, 2009

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

I bought this book a few weeks ago at my favorite store and I haven't been able to put it down.

I love everything in this book and I could go on about how it is what I have always wanted my life to reflect around, but that is too deep and would require and entirely different post all together and I just don't have the time for that.

I usually don't read that often. I'm lucky if I read a book a year. Because of this, I don't have any bookmarks. Never really needed them. My past bookmarks have been airline tickets or my baggage claim ticket because somehow I think maybe i'll read while i'm on the flight. I do, but then the book ends up in a pile that I intend to finish........

I was going to go buy a bookmark for this book but wouldn't that defeat the sole purpose of this book and my way of thinking? Besides, i'm WAY too picky and would be using too much energy that could be used somewhere else. So I decided to save on resources and recycle some scrapbook paper that I had. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT SCRAPBOOK!

So here it is. It's double sided since there really isn't a front and back to a bookmark.
I found the best width and length that was a good average to all the books I have that I may someday read. Then went through my paper to find ones that coordinated best. I had some post cards that had the similar look that I wanted to use some images from so I pulled one out to use. Next was rolling the 150 pound bin out from under my bed that is packed with art supplies from school. I was going to go through and clean it out but that would take too much time and would be good on another day.
So I got my cutting matte, my Exacto knife and tweezers, my square ruler and my acid free adhesive that Zundel and I used when we covered our own travel journals for Greece.
Cut the paper to size, and glue together. Then add any decoritive features you want and that's it, easy as pie. The butterflies and mustard swirl are cut outs from the post card I had so they are more 3d. I am in love with this and it just might lead me to reading more. That will happen once the garden is in, the lawn mowed, and chaise lounge out for me to read outdoors.
If your birthday is coming up, you better watch out, you just might get something homemade.....i mean recycled, and reusable :) (again, i'm not crafty)

1 comment:

Watsonville said...

Well my birthday is coming up! I can't wait to see what else you can come up with. It looks adorable!