Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I have a tendency to scare people.......mainly little kids. I don't know what it is about jumping out from around the corner on the unsuspected tikes that cracks me up, luckily they get a laugh out of it too. My niece and nephew in CA know that when Kristy comes, "she scares us........she's funny."

So now that they are getting older, I have to be more cleaver. I can no longer hide around the corner or behind the door. They are on to the "go get your shirt out of the dryer", and so I have to sharpen my skills. I need to pull out the tricks I used on my sisters growing up like hide behind the bed (that will teach her to pray with the door open) or hide in the linen closet and do the "dead mans roll" (think the freezer part in Goonies) as they open it to get out a towel. However, if I did that, they wouldn't be able to catch my fall.

Luckily I found this sweet item by Eiko Ishizawa. You know I'm going to pull this out the next time we go up to the camp site for foil dinners and s'mores. Not to mention it will keep me warm! :) I'm not a huge fan of camping, aka- playing homeless in the woods, but I think this just might change my mind!

Plus if my camping adventure is anything like last time where I stayed up for 2 hours because we saw a bear, I will be ok because bears won't eat other bears, especially if they are in the process of eating a human!



Kim said...

I like the way you think, Uzi.

Watsonville said...

That is so awesome! I can't wait until you use this the next time you come. Will you do the dead bear look on the ground. Classic! We LOVE Aunt Kristy....Queedie!

David said...

Love it! :) You know, I had to promise my kids I would stop scaring them?!? It caused too many tears and nightmares! It's been really hard because I LOVE to scare they've agreed that if I warn them first, then it's ok. Too funny! :)