Thursday, February 3, 2011

Live to Love

I read this and it may have changed my life.

For those who can't click on the link above because you don't realize "this" links to the actual blog I read, please read 8 Million Random Strangers. Specifically this post.

(I became friends with her whilst moving a dear freind to her new hood, and she is HILARIOUS.)

Anyway, as I was reading the post it got me thinking-
 my list isn't nearly long enough.

I like to call mine the
 "Lucky 13"
and everyone of them has the most interesting/humorous story to go along with it.
I won't be sharing the list with you on this blog, but maybe when they write a book about my crazy life,
just jump right ahead to Chapter 7.

And who knows what life has for me ahead, but I will say, I will gladly and willingly be adding to that list, if not creating several lists.  wink wink!


heidikins said...

Hahah! I can't wait for this. :)


Watsonville said...

What's your list? Now you have us wanting for more!